As an adult who owns a small fashion business, I have been greatly touched and moved by the speech and the action made by Ms. Greta Thunberg. We need to take action no matter how big or small step it is, but the timing is right now.
Therefore, I have started my eco-campaign thorough my business. In cooperation with Carbon Neutral's Plant-a-Tree program, I have started planting one tree per one hat sold.
Starting the end of September 2019, I have planted over 250 trees so far. I am quite excited about how many trees I am going to plant for in a long run.
My customers can choose whether they would like to pay for a tree or not. If they are not to pay the fee, we will substitute and pay for them.
It is said that the fashion industry and internet shopping worldwide are responsible for about 10% of the world’s overall carbon emissions. We cannot ignore our impact on the eco-system.
We would very much like you to join this Plant-a-Tree program through our products, just put in Plant-A-Tree Option to your cart when you check out. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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